It's September - 4 quick decluttering tips!

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This morning, on my way to declutter a client's home I realized  the fall season is HERE! 


That means the end of summer camps, vacations, and lazy mornings. It also means that it's time to clear away the things you meant to toss last spring and all the clutter you've accumulated over the summer. Get a headstart on a new school year, or simply a fresh new season, and declutter these 4 ways this September.

Gather four boxes or bins and label them Keep, Trash, Recycle, and Donate. Use our list as a starting point, work on one category at a time, and enlist the help of your family. As you finish each category, take action and put away the items you plan to keep, place recycling or trash in bins, and put the donation items in your car for delivery (no stashing in the garage!).

Housekeeping matters, and always will. 
Love Sai 

1 comment

  • Charley Crowe

    I love this idea. I have had clutter in my garage now for too long and when I look at it as one big project it’s overwhelming. I like the idea of dividing it up and taking care of it at the end of the day and not letting it sit. I really love the idea of getting help from the family.
    I also like the idea of the things that I don’t really need being needed by someone else and helping them get it. Great article! :)

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